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How To Check Asn Status In Sap

Automated ASN Validation and Processing in SAP SNC

Streamlining Supply Chain Logistics

Status Management and Error Handling

SAP SNC (Shipping Notification Collaboration) plays a crucial role in streamlining supply chain operations by automating the exchange of Advanced Shipping Notifications (ASNs) between suppliers and customers. To ensure the accuracy and efficiency of this process, SAP SNC has implemented an automated validation mechanism.

When a supplier creates or updates an ASN in SAP SNC, the system performs an internal validation to check for errors. This validation ensures that the ASN complies with the predefined business rules and data formats.

ASN Status Monitoring

The validation process assigns a processing status to the ASN, which can be viewed on the "Status" tab page. The status provides information about the current state of the ASN and any errors that have been detected.

ASNs that are successfully validated receive the status "Received". However, if errors are detected during validation, the ASN receives the status "Invalid". In such cases, the supplier can manually correct the errors and resubmit the ASN.

Manual ASN Creation

Besides automating ASN validation, SAP SNC also allows suppliers to manually create ASNs. This is useful when the supplier's ERP system does not support ASN creation or when a supplier wants to send an ASN for a non-SAP purchase order.

To manually create an ASN, the supplier can navigate to the "Create ASN" page in SAP SNC. Here, they can enter the necessary details, including the purchase order number, item information, and estimated delivery date.

Performance Measurement

SAP SNC leverages ASN data to evaluate supplier performance based on metrics such as delivery accuracy, on-time delivery, and completeness of information. This data helps customers identify reliable suppliers and improve their supply chain operations.

By automating ASN validation and processing, SAP SNC enhances the efficiency, accuracy, and visibility of supply chain logistics. This results in reduced errors, improved communication between suppliers and customers, and ultimately enhanced supply chain profitability.
